
日期:08-10 07:17 浏览:79
东京备忘录即将开展货物系固CIC 东京备忘录组织成员将于2016年9月1日起移民去美国要多少钱至2016年11月30日开展针对货物系固的集中大检查(CIC)。 大检查的目标 ♦ 检查是否满足适用的国际公约要求; ♦ 确保船长、高级船员和普通船员熟悉货物系固的程序; ♦ 提高对货物系固的风险意识以及了解如何安全地进行系固。 检查方式 ♦ 在PSC检查中对货物系固布置进行检查; ♦ 签发缺陷直至在船舶存在不安全状况时滞留船舶; ♦ 每艘船在本次CIC中仅经受一次检查,检查完成后船长将获得一份CIC问卷的副本作为接受过CIC的证据。 公司和船长应注意 ♦ 船长和船员对货物系固程序和布置情况结合批准的货物系固手册(CSM)进行复核,确保货物系固满足手册的要求并遵守了相关安全操作要求; ♦ 船东和管理公司应注意复核货物系固手册,确保其符合船舶操作并保持更新,且得到了主管机关或RO的批准。 ♦ CCS建议(主要针对杂货船、集装箱船和有时用于装运杂货的散货船等运输美国职业移民绿卡中需要对货物进行系固作业的船舶): ♦ 复核4、
CSM已得到主管机关或船级社批准,且与实船的布置、配备的系固件等完全符合,如有问题及时与船级社联系; ♦ 复核货物安全通道布置(CSAP)(适用于2015年1月1日及以后建造的集装箱船(参见下页定义))是否经批准并保存在船上,船员是否熟悉该布置的内容; ♦ 确认所有系固设备处于正常的维护保养状态; ♦ 立即组织船上进行一次熟悉培训,确保相关职责人员理美国移民eb3解操作程序,熟悉系固设备和安全措施,能够按照手册要求安全顺利地完成系固作业。 CIC检查问卷 1、Is an approved cargo securing manual onboard?* 船上是否有批准的货物系固手册?* 2、Cargo Securing Manual 货物系固手册 2A、Does the cargo securing manual meet the guidelines outlined in MSC.1/Circ. 1353/Rev.1? ** 货物系固手册是否满足海安会通函1353号Rev.1版的指南要求?** 2B、If the answer to question 2A is “No”, does the cargo securing manual meet a standard at leas5、
t equivalent to the above guidelines?** If the answer to question 2A is “Yes”, question 2B should be checked “N/A”. 如果2A的答案是No,货物系固手册是否至少满足和指南等效的要求?** 如果2A的答案是Yes,则2B不适用(N/A) 3、Are the Master and Person in Charge of cargo operations familiar with the cargo securing manual? * 船长和负责货物操作的船员熟悉货物系固手册吗?* 4、Are the lashings/fittings as per the cargo securing manual? * 系固设备已按照货物系固手册要求配备?* 5、Is the condition of the lashings/fittings considered satisfactory for their intended use?* 系固设备的状况是否满足预定用途的要求?* 6、A什么条件能移民美国re appropriate securing points or fittings being used for cargo securing?*8、
货物系固时采用了适当的系固点或系固设备?* 7、Is there a sufficient quantity of reserve cargo securing devices onboard? 船上是否保存了充足的备用系固设备? 8、Is the vessel following the Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP)?* 船舶是否符合货物安全通道布置* 9、Were deficiencies recorded as a result of this CIC? 检查结果是否存在缺陷? 10、Was the vessel detained as a result of deficiencies found during this CIC? 检查结果是否确定船舶滞留? 说明 If the box “No” is checked off for questions marked with an asterisk, the ship may be considered for detention. PSCOs should take into consideration the severity of the non-compliance when evaluating whether a detention is warranted keeping in mind the purpose of a detention is to keep an unsafe ship from pro6、
ceeding to sea. 标*的问题如果打“No”,船舶可能被滞留;PSC检查官在确定船舶是否需要滞留时将考虑不符合的严重程度,确保滞留的目的是阻止不安全的船舶航行出海。 ** For Containerships (containership means 美国抽签移民dedicated container ships and those parts of other ships for which arrangements are specifically designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers on deck), constructed on or a7、
fter 1 January 2015, the ship may be considered for detention if there is no Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP).
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