
日期:08-30 00:13 浏览:63
Heavy Rain in China Continues to Dampen Thermal Coal Demand 热带风暴海葵席卷中国地区,热能煤需求依旧面临压力 Early Wednesday morning, China was hit by its sixth tropical storm of the season. Tropical Storm Haiku made landfall in Zhejiang province, which is located approximately 140 miles (225 kilometers) south of Shanghai. In addition to bringing sustained winds exceeding 60 knots (69 miles per hour) and causing damage to several buildings and shipyards, the storm dumpe美国第一批移民的历史d even more rain on parts of China that had already received an abundance of rainfall in recent weeks. 周三凌晨,中国被第六次热带风暴袭击。热带风暴海葵在浙江省登陆,位于上海南部大约140英如何移民去美国里(225公里)。此次热带风暴带来了持续超过60节(69英里/时)强风,致使一些建筑和船厂受到破坏,而且风暴还袭美国移民一般多少钱击的部分地区已经连续几周遭受到强降雨。 According to China's National Meteorological Center (NMC), Tropical Storm Haiku dumped as much as 17 inches (435 millimeters) of rain in Zhejiang province within the first thirteen hours of making landfall. Eventually the storm shifted towards more of a northwestern direction and brought heavy rain to the central provinces of Jiangxi, Anhui, and Hubei before weakening. 根据中国国家气象中心,在最初登陆的13个小时内,热带风暴海葵为浙江省带来的17英寸(约为435毫米)的降雨量。最终海葵转换路径前往西北方向,在逐渐减弱之前,为江西省的中部和湖北省带来了强降雨。 While villagers have suffered from flooding caused by the storm, Chinese electricity providers have been able to further benefit from an increase in hydropower production. Since the start of June, China has been hit by six tropical storms. In comparison, only three tropical storms made landfall in China during the sam6、
e period last year. The much larger amount of tropical storms this year have caused Chinese hydropower production to surge. 在风暴海葵让村民遭受洪水的同时,中国的电力供应商将可以继续从水力发电的增加中收益。从6月份开始,中国已经受到6次热带风暴的袭击,相较而言,去年同期只有三个热带风暴登陆中国。今年较大量的热带风暴使得中国水利发电量激增。 According to China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), hydropower production totaled 75.3 billion kilowatt hours in June. This was 13% more than produced in May and the largest amount o2、
f hydropower produced in China in any single month since September 2010. Hydropower production data is still pending for July, but all accounts point to production exceeding June's robust total. 根据中国国家统计局,6月份水利发电总量为753亿千瓦时,超出五月份发电量的13%,同时也是自2010年9月份以来单月发电量最高的一个月。7月份水利发电量数据尚未确定,但是所有数据表明将会超过6月份的发电总量。 The recent surge in hydropower production has put pressure on Chinese thermal coal demand. With a growing amount of electricity being derived from hydropower, Chinese thermal coal-derived electricity production has come under pressure. Accordi3、
ng to China's National Bureau of Statistics, thermal coal-derived electricity production totaled only 295.3 billion kilowatt hours in June. This was 2% less than produced in May and 6% less than was produced in June 2011. 目前水利发电量的激增给中国热能煤需求带来很大的压力。随着水利发电量的持续增长,中国热能煤发电量已经面临压力。根据中国国家统计局,6月份的热能煤发电总量仅为2953亿千瓦时,比五月份下降2%,比2011年6月份减少6%。 Reduced demand for thermal coal has caused Chinese thermal coal prices to fall. According to various traders, domestic Datong thermal coal with a calorific value of 5,800 kcal/kg, for example, is being sold f美国移民杰出人才or approximately 705 yuan/ton ($111/ton). A year ago, Datong thermal coal with a calorific value of 5,800 kcal/kg was being sold for approximately 885 yuan/ton ($1398、
/ton). 对热能煤需求的下降,导致中国热能煤价格的下降。根据经销商提供的数据,以国内大同热能煤,热值为5800千卡/千克为例,出售价格约为705元/吨(111美元/吨)。一年前,热值为5800千卡/千克的大同热能煤的出售价格为885元/吨(139美元/吨)。 Chinese thermal coal prices are currently about 20% lower than they were during the same time last year. Going forward, the general consensus in the market is that domestic thermal coal prices will remain low for at least the next few months. Chinese hydropower production continues to surge and the ongoing Pacific Tropical Storm Season is expected to remain very active. The Pacific Tropical St7、
orm Season lasts from June 1 to January 1. With hydropower production continuing to rise, Chinese demand for thermal coal will remain under pre美国移民价钱ssure. 中国热能煤价格同比下降了20%。市场上的一致观点认为国内热能煤价格将会在未来几个月里持续走低。中国水利发电量继续飙升,并且太平洋热带风暴季节预计要持续活跃。太平洋热带风暴活跃期持续从7月1号到1月1号。水利发电量持续升高,中国对热能煤的需求会依旧面红木家具品牌临压力。
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