3小时前,国际知名船东Z Bu美国移民最新消息lk AS 宣布破产

日期:08-21 11:00 浏览:30
  “猜想七: 破产倒闭潮进入尾声,若干国际知名OP宣布倒闭(实现概率:50%)”---摘自GHCC2017年航运租船业十大猜想 各位租船狗们,新年第一周工作状态如何?又是一个周五了,我们新红木家具品牌加坡的同行们相互约起晚上在哪个码头哪个酒吧喝一杯? 别急,在今晚微醺之前跟大家分享个最新消息。3小时前,小编收到在洛桑工作的GHCC成员Joseph Zhao的消息,Eastern Bulk Hold AS的关联公司Z Bulk AS刚刚宣布破产了。 下面是他们股东通过Broker放出来的声明 quote, Statement by Eastern Bulk Holding AS It is with regret that the Board of operating company Z Bulk AS has found that it had no option but to petition for insolvency of that company on 4 January 2017. This is a result of the inability, despite Z Bulk’s best efforts over an extended period of time, to find a workable commercial arrangement with a counterparty to a contract with Z Bulk AS during a prolonged period of difficult market conditions. Eastern Bulk Holding AS and its main operating subsidiary Eastern Bulk AS are unaffected by the insolvency of Z Bulk AS. Eastern Bulk AS is in a sound position financially, and is, and will continue to be, active in the market, and looks forw7、
ard to continuing to work with its friends and business partners for new business in the future. unqte, 说实话,小编根本不认识什么 “Z Bulk AS“。 但其声明中提到的Eastern Bulk”确实大名鼎鼎。做散货租船的要是没听说过他们,算是孤陋寡闻了。大家可以看看他们的网站http://easternbulk.com/ , 以及小编收到的一些线人的介绍: quote, Z Bulk AS (ZBulk) was establish1、
ed as a private limited company in Norway in 1994 and, until November 2016, traded under the name Eastern Bulk Carriers AS as an operator of third-party owned Supramax tonnage, with the fleet split between long-term chartered vessels, and a time charter trip-operated fleet. While modest in size, the longterm fleet proved to be a significant cash drain on the company in recent years, with impairments linked to these contracts pushing Eastern Bulk Carri美国移民的历史ers AS to a loss in 2014 (with a second, potentially larger, loss likely to be booked in 2015). These losses are likely to be exacerbated by the transfer of "new" business to Eastern Bulk AS (EBA) from mid-2015, leaving Eastern Bulk Carriers AS with legacy contracts which are significantly loss-making in the current market environment. While Eastern Bulk Carriers AS had been explicitly supported by the wider Eastern Bulk group (with parent Eastern Bulk Holding AS injecti3、
ng capital and "guaranteeing the liquidity" o党员能移民美国吗f Eastern Bulk Carriers AS until 30 June 2016), management appear to have taken a decision not to continue this support given their inability to restructure the a8、
forementioned contracts and resolve a dispute with the parties concerned. Recent changes, including a change of ownership structure in 1H 2016, the resignation of members of the owning family from the subject's board in September 2016, and ultimately the changing of the company'办理投资移民美国s name to ZBulk in November 2016, would appear to reflect this de移民公司美国cision. While there is no evidence of ZBulk/Eastern Bulk Carriers AS defaulting on cont美国移民福利racts, the aforementioned changes warrant a very cautious approach, and we can only recommend dealing on secured terms at this time. unqte, Eastern bulk 这两年一直在赔钱,财务状况不佳,5、
中间经过重组,但很多同学跟他们做生意已经很谨慎了。 对Eastern Bulk,小编不是特别熟,所以不敢肯定他们也是在走“金蝉脱壳”的套路,但至少有这个嫌疑,类似于另外一家“东南西北之一 英文开头” 的欧洲第一大OP.即,把所有有毒资产打包,注入一家公司,然后宣布破产!!! 小编曾经对公司名以AS结尾的同行都是特别有好感的,他们就是传说中的欧洲船东啊? 类似马士基之类..... Elegant! 当最近几年一些鬼子船东的行为却刷新了我对他们的印象,发现这些流氓船东比我们远东一些同行有过之而无不及。 所以在此提醒同学们,对欧洲船东也不能太信任! 有什么后续消息以后再报道,今天先说这么多。小编也得出去喝一杯了,压压惊! The end
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